“The Secret Lives of Male Lions: From Spiny Penises to Darker Manes”

2023-05-13 04:00:00

Male lions, who live in groups and lead many females, have the image of being absolute kings. However, biologist Takeko Tajima says, “Actually, the female takes the lead in mating. In response to the demands of the females who go into heat all at once, males may repeat copulation more than 50 times a day. If you do, you will be banished from the herd.”

*This article is written by Tajima Cottonlisten to the song of the whale](Yamato Keitanisha) is a re-edited version.

A male lion that uses a spiny penis to stimulate ovulation

Mammalian penises are basically divided into two types: the elastic fiber type and the muscle-cavernous type. In short, it can be roughly divided into two types: one with a lot of fibrous quality, and the other with a lot of muscle and blood vessels.

Among animals with a muscular-cavernosal penis, there is an additional strength that stimulates ovulation in females during mating. They are animals of the cat family, including lions.

Male cats have keratinized papillae (penile papillae) on the surface of their penis.thorncleanly)”, which stimulates the vaginal mucosa of the female during mating and induces ovulation (copulatory ovulation).

This is also one of the strategies to ensure that one’s descendants remain.

Lions are big cats that live in the savannas and grasslands of Africa and the forest reserves of India. Felines generally do not show much difference between males and females in their physiques and shapes, but in lions, males are 170 to 250 centimeters in length and weigh 150 to 200 kilograms, while females are 140 to 175 centimeters in length and weigh 150 to 200 kilograms. They weigh between 120 and 180 kg, and there is a considerable difference in body size between males and females.In addition, males are called “King of Beasts”soreasonIt is a big feature that “mane” is growing.

Illustrated by Kohei Ashino

Males with more sex hormones have darker manes

The mane plays an important role in approaching females, symbolizing males, and even intimidating males.

Males that secrete more testosterone, one of the sex hormones, tend to have darker manes.

In recent years, populations living in environments above 1000m above sea level in southern and eastern South Africa tend to develop manes, whereas populations living in tropical regions from Kenya and northern Mozambique do not develop manes. It is said that individuals without manes can also be seen. Until now, habitat-specific differences in male lion mane development were unclear.

If you think about it, as temperatures continue to rise in lion habitat, manes are like wearing scarves in midsummer. As long as they are mammals, maintaining body temperature has to take precedence over reproductive strategies, so if global warming continues, maned kings of beasts may become mainstream in the near future.

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