The secret to using ginger to prevent cold hands and feet at night

The following way will help you not to get cold hands and feet at night very simply.

Unexpected causes of cold feet


Atherosclerosis is a condition in which cholesterol plaques build up inside the walls of arteries. These plaques block blood circulation. If plaque builds up in the arteries leading to the feet, it can cause the feet to become cold more often, according to Insider.

“When the arteries in the feet are blocked, you can feel cold and sometimes painful feet,” explains podiatrist Danielle DesPres, a lecturer at New York University School of Medicine. .

People at high risk for atherosclerosis are those who smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and are older.


There are many causes of cold feet in people with diabetes. The first cause is nerve damage. Diabetes itself does not cause cold feet, but long-term high blood sugar can cause nerve damage.

Statistics show that about 50% of people with type 2 diabetes may have nerve damage. This rate in people with type 1 diabetes is 20%.

The next cause is poor blood circulation. Many people with diabetes have this condition. High blood sugar for a long time will damage the lining of the blood vessels, causing the blood vessels to narrow and harden. The result is reduced blood circulation to the legs, causing cold feet.

peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is also one of the complications of diabetes. The first symptom usually appears in cold feet. The patient also feels tingling, burning or pain like a needle in the foot.

In addition to diabetes, health problems such as liver or kidney disease or a family history also increase the risk of peripheral neuropathy.


Anemia is a condition in which the body makes fewer red blood cells than normal. A common cause is iron deficiency because iron is a mineral needed to make red blood cells.

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. When the number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, the feet and many other organs will not receive enough oxygen. As a result, anemia can lead to a host of health problems, including cold feet.

How to keep your feet from getting cold at night

Soak your feet in warm water

Soaking feet in warm water not only helps relieve pain but also helps us fall asleep faster because it stimulates blood circulation. The right water temperature for foot bath is from (36°C to 38°C. This is water therapy for cold feet.

People should soak their feet in warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes, then dry them with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger has the effect of helping blood circulation and warming the body. In winter, many people often drink ginger tea to help keep the body warm and we can also drink ginger tea to help our feet no longer get cold at night.

The simple way is that people just need to boil water, then add 3 to 4 slices of ginger and continue to boil for about 10 minutes. Finally, just squeeze out a cup and enjoy.

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