The self-criticism of Rébola and Guillermo Farré in Belgrano after the fall with Talleres in Kempes

belgrano lost 3-0 with workshops In the first match of 2023 between the two Cordoba players and after the final whistle, Alejandro Rébola and coach Guillermo Farré analyzed the match and the meager production of Pirata.

Despite the party that took place in both stands, Alberdi’s sky-blue player did not play well and ended up receiving a thrashing at the hands of his classic rival in a crowded Kempes. The experienced defender was the first to leave statements and to acknowledge that his team did not have a good night.

“Obviously it hurts to lose like this and more because it’s a classic and we wanted to win it. We started off well, but after the goal we disconnected and what happened happened,” said Rébola. And he added: “Now we have to change the chip quickly, think about Racing that we play for the tournament and hopefully we have a different result.”

The coach himself, Guillermo Farré, also gave his point of view of his team’s defeat: “We started off well, but after the first goal we fell, we were too long and we couldn’t get up.”

As for the match, Farré agreed with his manager as to where the key to the match was: “His goal hurt us a lot because we were pretty good. Then we started running to see if we could match it and that wear and tear hurt us in the end”.

Afterwards, the coach spoke about the tournament that begins next week and about his first rival, Racing: “We know that during the championship we are going to receive hard blows, but we have to be prepared to overcome ourselves and move on. We are in a new category for most of the players and that has an influence”.

On the other hand, the former player remained positive and reaffirmed his confidence in his coaches. “I am not going to change the squad for losing a game, it is not like that. Of course we have things to improve and we are going to do it, I trust the squad”he stressed.

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