The Taurine Elixir: How Taurine Can Prolong Life and Slow Aging

2023-06-11 00:02:40

A study concluded that the lack of taurine in the body drives aging, while providing it at a good level can prolong life, according to researchers in aging.

In the study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and published in the journal “scienceTaurine has been shown to slow the aging process in worms, mice and monkeys and can extend the healthy lifespan of middle-aged mice by up to 12 percent.

Taurine is a nutrient produced in the body and found in many foods, primarily energy drinks.

Study leader Vijay Yadavan, assistant professor of genetics at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, says the study concludes that taurine can be “an elixir of life within us that helps us live longer, healthier lives.”

Other research indicates that taurine has a role in building bones and is linked to immune function, obesity, and nervous system function.

“We realized that if taurine regulates all of these processes that decline with age, then perhaps the levels of taurine in the bloodstream could affect overall health and lifespan,” says Yadavne.

The researchers found that the level of taurine decreases significantly with age, as the levels of taurine in 60-year-olds are about one-third of those in five-year-olds.

The researchers started with approximately 250 rats, all 14 months old, (about 45 years old in human terms). Every day, the researchers fed half of them taurine, and by the end of the experiment they found that taurine increased life expectancy by 12 percent in female mice and 10 percent in males.

For mice, this meant an extra three to four months, the equivalent of about seven or eight human years.

The study concluded that taurine may improve anti-aging in humans just as it does in mice.

#Study #drink #elixir #life

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