The territorial structuring of research in psychiatry is underway

2023-04-21 10:36:30

An instruction from the Directorate General for Care (DGOS) published in the Official Bulletin “Health, social protection, solidarity” of April 17, sets out the support methods for the structuring of the territorial animation of research in psychiatry and Mental Health.

The identification, within the new method of financing psychiatry, of a compartment dedicated to the “structuring of research” testifies to the will of the public authorities to develop and consolidate a research policy in psychiatry and mental health, indicates the DGOS. The objective is to allow a better association of all the care structures to promote the inclusion of a greater number of patients and therefore a better development of research activities in psychiatry and mental health. The DGOS emphasizes that this research “today still remains too compartmentalized between research teams and healthcare structures. Thus, establishments outside the CHU receive 90% of the active file of psychiatric patients, whereas they represent only 10% of hospital clinical research programs (PHRC). »

The purpose of this instruction is to initiate a process of structuring the territorial animation of research in connection with the existing systems. It recalls the dynamics of support to which research in psychiatry is subject and defines the stakes and objectives of its territorial structuring. It then presents its coordination and implementation methods, supported by funding, in a process of calling for expressions of interest. Finally, it specifies the terms and conditions for allocating the allocation relating to the structuring of research determined under the conditions set out in Article R. 162-31-4 of the Public Health Code, as part of the reform of the financing of psychiatry.

Les attendus de cette structuration sont de :
- Valoriser et mettre à disposition de l’information sur l’état de santé, les besoins de la population régionale et les dispositifs de soins ;
- Améliorer la lisibilité des acteurs actifs présents sur un territoire (professionnels, associations d’usagers et aidants, élus) et favoriser la co-construction des projets ;
- Fédérer les acteurs de la psychiatrie pour initier des projets de recherche en s’appuyant sur les structures existantes de structuration de la recherche, notamment concernant l’appui méthodologique ;
- Grâce au développement de la culture de l’évaluation, contribuer au partage et à l’amélioration des pratiques de soins en psychiatrie et à l’enrichissement des connaissances pour améliorer la qualité des soins ;
- Soutenir la formation des professionnels médicaux et paramédicaux ;
- Faire le lien avec les décideurs publics en apportant une expertise au plus près des structures.

To help stimulate and/or support this dynamic, an envelope of dedicated credits of €5 million is planned for 2023 within the “Structuring of research” compartment of the new psychiatry funding model. The instruction states that “this envelope of credits is not intended to finance research actions as such, (…), but to consolidate or set up mechanisms for facilitating research in mental health and psychiatry, the purpose of which will be to accelerate the decompartmentalization between university research teams, existing coordination structures and clinical teams by leading a research community on
a territory.”

• Instruction N° DGOS/R4/2023/37 of March 30, 2023 relating to the support of the structuring of the territorial animation of research in psychiatry and mental health, BO “Health, social protection, solidarity”, in pdf.

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