“The Truth About Repeated Infections with COVID-19: Risks, Concerns & Long-Term Health Impacts”

2023-04-27 03:18:06

Scientists agree that the Corona virus will turn into a common disease in the coming years, and it may infect the same people more than once, but the damage it may cause after returning to the patient’s body for one time or more still raises a discussion in the scientific community, according to the magazine “the nighter“.

The magazine says that experts estimate that the majority of the world’s population has been infected with the virus at least once, while the percentage of those infected more than once may reach 65 percent.

And at a time when some say that Corona is a respiratory virus that will be like the common cold, others say that repeated infection with Corona may be a gamble, and each new infection with it may carry a different risk of harm and long-term health repercussions.

According to the magazine, repeated infection with the virus is still rare, but over time, studies indicate that the percentage may increase over time.

People who have had a severe infection the first time are more likely to become infected with a second, more severe version of the virus.

Richard Moffitt, a biostatistician at the Emory University College of Medicine in Georgia, says that people who have had a severe infection with the virus for the first time should worry more about a second infection.

And the magazine reports that a recent study showed that people who had repeated infections are more likely to die, and the possibility of hospitalization or suffering from heart problems or blood clots remains greater than those who were infected only once with the virus.

Researchers found a higher risk of heart disease, lung problems, diabetes, fatigue and neurological disorders in people who contract the virus more than once.

#return #Covid #pose #greater #risk #infection

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