The two approaches – does it indicate a heart problem?

08:48 PM

Monday 19 September 2022

Written by: Saber Najah

Dr. Sherif Mokhtar, Professor of Cardiology and a pioneer in critical care medicine at Qasr Al-Ainy, said that there are many factors that may cause chest pain, continuing: “It may come from the muscles between the ribs, the esophagus, the trachea, and the surrounding pericardial membrane. heart, and the pleural membrane surrounding the lungs.

Mokhtar added, during a live broadcast of the “Consulto” website, that the factors that may cause chest pain are different, but each has special specifications, and each one can be identified through the patient’s family history.

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The professor of cardiology added that the two approaches differ from chest pain, so some patients complain of feeling heavy breathing, which is called “sighing”, especially in light of this being repeated more than once, adding: “This may cause pain in the chest. The chest, because his chest muscles are not accustomed to this exhausting effort, which causes the patient to suspect that this is due to a heart problem, especially in light of suffering from dizziness due to excessive sighing, which leads to a lack of blood that reaches the brain. .

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Mokhtar stressed that chest pain may be from the digestive system, due to the vagus nerve that exits from the bottom of the brain and feeds many organs of the body, such as the stomach, esophagus, pleural membrane, and gallbladder, and that any pain in this area may cause heart pain.

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