The Ultimate Guide to Eating Carbs for Weight Loss and Blood Sugar Control

2024-04-19 11:43:41

Should I stop eating carbs to lose weight? Some doctors have stated that there is a type of carbohydrate that not only does not make the body fat, but also helps reduce visceral fat and can even lower blood sugar levels by 35%!

Eating 1 type of carb reduces visceral fat and lowers blood sugar by 35%

Bariatric doctor Xiao JiejianOn the Facebook page, many people think that to lose weight, you need to stop eating carbohydrates. However, there is a type of carbohydrates that can not only control weight and prevent weight regain, but also strengthen immunity, reduce visceral fat, and lower blood sugar.

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Why can it not only reduce fat but also improve the problem of high blood sugar?

Dr. Xiao pointed out that this carbohydrate is actually “dietary fiber.” Fiber is primarily composed of carbohydrates found in plant cell walls, including cellulose, pectin, and other polysaccharides, and is therefore classified as “carbohydrates.” Once fiber enters the human body, it cannot be completely broken down and is not converted into “glucose” to provide energy like other carbohydrates. Therefore, fiber does not cause obesity.

He said that once some of the fiber reaches the large intestine, it will be broken down by microorganisms and produce “short-chain fatty acids” such as butyric acid, propionic acid and acetic acid (also known as acetic acid). These short-chain fatty acids not only provide energy, but also have multiple effects, such as anti-inflammation, regulating blood sugar, reducing cancer risk, increasing satiety, and improvement of fat metabolism.

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When should you ingest dietary fiber to get the best fat-reducing and blood sugar-lowering effect?

Dr. Xiao Jiejian cited an American study published in the medical journal “Obesity” and another New Zealand study saying that the effects of dietary fiber and the best time to consume it are:

Effects of dietary fiber:

  • Reduce visceral fat by 7.4%
  • Reduce subcutaneous fat by 3.6%
  • Reduce blood sugar by 35% after meals

Best time to eat:

As for the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, Dr. Xiao Jiejian said the average adult male should consume 38 grams of dietary fiber per day, while women should consume 25 grams. He also recalled that dietary fiber is no less effective for weight loss than protein and does not cause obesity. He pointed out that if people who lose weight consume enough protein and dietary fiber every day, they can increase the effect of weight loss.

Dietary fiber not only prevents constipation, but also prevents 3 diseases

However, the Hong Kong Center for Food Safety pointed out thatNot all dietary fiber is carbohydrateDietary fiber contains many different compounds and experts still cannot reach a consensus on their definition, but they generally agree that non-starch polysaccharides make up the main part of dietary fiber.

According to information from the Hong Kong Ministry of Health,Alimentary fiberIt also has the following 6 major effects, including helping prevent colorectal cancer and lowering cholesterol. The reasons are as follows:

source:Bariatric doctor Xiao Jiejian(Reproduced with permission),Health Protection Center

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