The Ultimate Guide to the Bile Diet: Foods to Include and Avoid for Gallbladder Health

2023-07-29 12:33:51

If the bile is bad, you have to change your diet. The so-called bile diet can help. Here you can find out which foods are allowed and which ones you should stay away from.

What is the function of bile?

Beef steak, cream cake, roast pork – these are all foods that are heavy on the stomach. Without bile, however, they would be even more indigestible. The bile, which is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, acts as a kind of detergent: it dissolves fats in the intestine and makes them accessible to the body.

Gallstones sometimes block the way to the intestines. The bile can no longer fulfill its task and painful colic may occur. Therefore, a healthy diet is particularly important for gallbladder problems.

Important rules for a bile diet

In principle, as with a liver diet, heavy, fatty foods do not belong on the menu on a bile diet. They challenge the bile. Prepare low-fat meals instead. But you don’t have to do without fats completely. The bile would no longer have any work to do and would only accumulate in the gallbladder. It is best to cook with vegetable fats. These are easier to digest and keep the gallbladder going. Heavy meals should be avoided on the bile diet.

Bile Diet: Good and Bad Foods

The bile diet is primarily about relieving the bile and not about losing weight. However, the low-fat diet will benefit your hips. You can eat the following foods rich in carbohydrates: crispbread and toast, rusks, stale white bread, pasta, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes and low-fat cake. However, you should avoid fresh bread and rolls as well as wholemeal bread. Pancakes and greasy pastries also make life difficult for the stomach. Potatoes are allowed on the bile diet, but not the usual calorie traps such as French fries, fried potatoes and potato salad.

Not only the bile can cause problems. The problem of fatty liver – Charlotte Karlinder explains

Fruit, vegetables and milk for bile problems

Are Fruits And Vegetables Good For Bile Digestion? In principle, you can also access here. Whether raspberries, strawberries, apples, pears or blueberries, enjoy it! On the other hand, unripe fruit and plums, dried fruit, grapes, currants and nuts are of concern. When it comes to vegetables, you should only be careful with savoy cabbage, sauerkraut, onions, peppers, radishes, cabbage and radishes.

And what about the bile diet with milk, cheese, fish and meat? When it comes to dairy products, always go for the lean version. For example, whipped cream, condensed milk and gorgonzola are taboo. You should also make sure that there is little fat in fish and meat. Lean meat from chicken, rabbit and venison as well as plaice, cod, zander and redfish are good for bile problems, but duck, broiler chicken, mackerel, eel, salmon and sardines are not.

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