The Ultimate Mosquito Repellent: Breakthrough Cellulose Gel Blocks Body Odors and Reduces Bites by 80%

2023-06-10 13:32:00

Repellent sprays, citronella candles, electric diffusers, and maybe soon a new product to fight against mosquitoes. Indeed, according to the results of the first clinical trials published in the journal PNAS Nexus, a repellent developed by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, can reduce the risk of stings by at least 80%. Another positive aspect: its effectiveness would be long-lasting.

Mosquito repellent: the repellent blocks body odors

In the words of Dr. Jonathan Bahbot, researcher at the origin of this discovery Euronewsthis product which could be put on the market next year, acts as a “chemical camouflage“. Unlike the majority of existing solutions on the market, it does not diffuse odors, but blocks those of humans. By applying it to the skin, body odors are no longer perceptible to mosquitoes, which which limits the risk of sting.

This repellent is largely composed of cellulose, an organic molecule found in many plants. It is combined with sulfuric acid, leading to the formation of cellulose nanocrystals. “Mixed with water and a small amount of glycerolthe nanocrystals can be applied to the skin as a gel”, can we read in a communiqué.

80% less risk of being bitten by a mosquito

During clinical trials, researchers observed that applying a layer of this gel of cellulose nanocrystals reduced the risk of stings by 80%. On the other hand, they also observed a 99.4% decrease in egg laying after the mosquitoes were exposed to blood with cellulose and indole, a substance present in certain flowers. In other words, the mixture of cellulose with indole would be very effective in limiting bites, but also in eliminating mosquitoes by reducing their multiplication.

New clinical trials will have to be done before putting this solution on the market. Scientists hope to commercialize it within a year, in 2024, and thus offer a “perfect, long-range and long-lasting personal protection system“, concludes Jonathan Bohbot.

#solution #developed #prevent #stings

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