The Unbelievable Truth: Woman Reveals 25-Year Secret that Led to her Sister’s Birth

2023-07-03 02:37:53

Adult products are recommended to be stored out of the reach of children. A foreign woman recently revealed that she had kept a secret for 25 years, saying that she had tampered with the condom in her parents’ room when she was a child. As a result, her mother became pregnant and gave birth to her younger sister a few months later. For the next 25 years, my mother often wondered why she was still “successful” after taking enough contraceptive measures. Finally, the victim decided to reveal the truth on her sister’s birthday and apologize to her mother. The incident aroused heated discussions among netizens, but the reaction was quite polarized. Some people thought that the incident caused the mother to become pregnant involuntarily, and the behavior was quite excessive.

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According to comprehensive foreign media reports, female netizen Keely made a video on the social platform TikTok, pointing out that when celebrating her sister Sam’s birthday, she suddenly blew up the amazing truth about her sister’s birth. She recalled that when she was a child, she used to play with her friends in her parents’ bedroom. At that time, she found a pile of shiny small packaging bags by the bedside. After her friend explained the function of these condoms, the two used to put them together The embroidery needle on the side pokes holes in the condom packaging.

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As a result, 6 months later, Keely’s mother suddenly announced the pregnancy news to her family, “Mom told me she was pregnant, I am very happy.” Keely was very happy about the arrival of her sister, but her mother still felt strange after many years and often asked questions : “I don’t know how this happened, we’ve been very careful.”

Keely revealed that she had kept this secret for 25 years, and now it was time to share it, so she decided to reveal the truth on her sister’s birthday and apologize to her mother.

Netizens have mixed reactions

The video immediately attracted more than 9.3 million viewers, but the opinions of netizens were polarized. Some people thought the incident was quite funny and wondered how the family members would react after learning the truth, “Your sister should thank you, she might not have been born without you. “, “I want to know your mother’s reaction after seeing the video”; many people think that raising children is a serious matter, Keely’s mother raised an extra child because of her ignorant behavior, it is too much, “If she Parents can’t afford to raise another child, this incident may trigger many problems, which is not funny.”, “This matter is out of the parents’ own will, quite selfish.”, “You know it takes parents to raise an extra child How much is it?”

6 Types of Contraceptive Methods

According to the Family Health Service of the Department of Health, there are currently about 6 types of contraceptive methods, among which oral contraceptive pills are only available to women:

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Adult products are recommended to be stored out of the reach of children. A foreign woman recently revealed that she had kept a secret for 25 years, saying that she had tampered with the condom in her parents’ room when she was a child. As a result, her mother became pregnant and gave birth to her younger sister a few months later.For the next 25 years, mothers often wonder why they are still “acquired” after taking adequate contraceptive measures EF%BC%9F%EF%BD%9C%E5%81%9A%E8%B6%B3%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E6%8E%AA%E6%96%BD%E4% BB%8D%E8%AA%95%E7%B4%B0%E5%A5%B3%E3%80%80%E5%AA%BD%E5%AA%BD%E5%8F%8D%E6%80% 9D25%E5%B9%B4%E5%A4%A7%E6%83%91%E4%B8%8D%E8%A7%A3%E3%80%80%E5%A4%A7%E5%A5%B3% E7%B5%82%E6%A5%B5%E5%91%8A%E7%99%BD%E6%8F%AD%E7%9C%9F%E7%9B%B8%EF%BC%9A%E5% B0%8D%E4%B8%8D%E8%B5%B7


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Health and medical care, health issues, substantive words, columns (content), topics for girls, real estate, home furnishing, current affairs, Internet culture, Internet hotspots, parenting, parenting experience, family education, technology communications, online services, social platforms, parenting, Fertility, pregnancy, parent-child, birth, contraception, substantive words, service, Douyin

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2023-07-03 10:35:00

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