The University will send its application in February to aspire to the degree of…

The University of León maintains its firm commitment to getting the academic institution to add Medicine to its catalog of degrees, one of the most demanded by students nationwide and which, in addition, would help to alleviate the deficiency of physicians in the system Health.

During the inauguration of the current academic year, the rector, Juan Francisco García Marín, recovered this initiative —which has been going on for more than decades— before the Minister of Education, Rocío Lucas, and since then his team has been working on preparing the report that must present to the council of the Junta de Castilla y León to obtain the approval of this long-awaited academic title for the province.

Marín points out that it will be in the month of February when León will send to Valladolid not only the memory for the application for the title —a step required for the application for any academic degree— but also a report in which the the Board all the steps taken by the University of León aimed at supporting the implementation of this title “as data, activities or accreditations”, points out the Leonese rector after the celebration of the last Social Council of the academic institution in which this body supported, As he already did in his previous meeting, to support “without fissures” the battle to ensure that the Leonese academic institution can impart this long-awaited title.

“This is what we have”. This is how the rector of the University of León summarizes all the information that will be attached to convince the Board that León has what it takes to achieve this degree that is currently taught in the Community at the universities of Valladolid and Salamanca. The Junta has always been reluctant to expand the faculties of Medicine compared to other communities such as Andalusia where of its eight provinces, the title is taught in seven and the University of Huelva has already announced that in January it will refer to the Ministry of University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía memory, with which Andalusian university students could become doctors studying in any of the eight provinces of that community. In Aragon, the University of San Jorge also wants to teach Medicine to become the third academic center with this title since the University of Zaragoza teaches it both on its campus in the capital Maña and on the one in Huesca.

Given the petition launched by the University of León, the institutions and the Leonese society have given their support to this initiative, even approving motions in different town halls, to obtain this title that has been planned in the academic institution for two decades. After Marín recovered this Leonese social demand, from Burgos they have also done the same and have positioned themselves for their university to also aspire to this title. On the other hand, Soria NOW! began on Constitution Day, a campaign to collect signatures to support a non-legal proposal before the regional courts, which claims to implement the first three courses of Medicine in Soria, studies that were suppressed in the capital thirty years ago, with the incorporation of the Soria Campus to the Valladolid Campus.

However, it has been at the University of Salamanca where the institution from Leon has found an enemy. The charro rector, Ricardo Rivero, lashed out hard against León to, while demanding more funds for his medical school, advance that Marín should focus on the Veterinary degree. All this, in relation to the fact that these are two of the degrees that require the most resources from universities.

The support of the Leonese society —and of the professionals of the sector— to the degree of Medicine is such that the Villaquilambre City Council has already announced that they are willing to transfer 100,000 square meters to the University of León to build the building in which to teach. teaching. It would be a huge and well-situated strip of land, which faces the Vegazana campus in front of the High Performance Center, from which it is only separated by the East Round.

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