the unloved plant that enriches your lawn

2023-04-24 04:02:12

Why plant clover in the lawn?

Clover in the lawn – Source: spm

Oddly, it is often considered a weed, yet clover gives the gardener a good helping hand. No need to ruin yourself with synthetic fertilizers since it has the advantage of converting nitrogen from the air into ammonium, a substance absorbed by the grass to make it even greener and more resistant. You can imagine a little: having a lush and radiant lawn all year round, the dream, isn’t it? And that’s not all. Clover flowers can even feed important pollinating insects in your garden. With all that, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it!

  • When and how to sow clover?

If you are lucky enough to already have clover in your yard, do not touch it and take full advantage of its benefits for a healthier lawn. On the other hand, if you want to add more clover to your garden or sow seeds to enrich your lawn, there are rules to follow. First of all, it is advisable to plant them separately from the lawn. Ideally, clover should be sown in early spring, just after the last frost. Make sure the soil is well aerated and be sure to keep it moist enough until the seeds germinate, this takes about two weeks. Quick Tip: To maintain healthy new clover growth, it should be re-seeded every 2-3 years.

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  • What is the best variety of clover for a lawn?

Although it is possible to grow most species of clover in a lawn, most people easily opt for Dutch white clover. No wonder, since it is widely more available than other varieties. But, paradoxically, they often complain about its large and tall leaves, which tend to attack a sparse lawn. Discouraged, they even end up becoming disillusioned and cursing this plant which they consider undesirable. Calm down, to stop spoiling your garden, all you have to do is change the species: switch to the “Pipolina” clover (or micro-clover) which is much smaller and whose growth is lower. Once mowed, it blends
more in the grass and will do him a lot of good. Too many clovers for your taste? You will only have to remove some and sow them in areas where there is a shortage of grass. A brilliant idea to fill the empty and emaciated parts!

  • How to sow dwarf white clover in the lawn?

We strongly invite you to test the virtues of “dwarf clover”. Not only does it contribute to the biodiversity of the lawn, but it will also rid it of all insect pests, such as ugly white grubs. To top it off, this plant grows very easily from seed. Spring or summer, you can sow them directly in your garden: rake the ground, scatter the seeds and water. Clovers will start to sprout in just two to three days, but depending on the temperature, it can also take 7 to 10 days. Remember to keep this area always moist to accelerate their growth.

What are the benefits of clover on the lawn?

If you are not yet convinced to get started, here are 8 good reasons to plant clovers in your garden.

Tired of spending a lot of money on nitrogen to fertilize your lawn? Save money with clover! It is a major addition since it fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Lawn rust, white or brown spots, yellowish grasses… No more insect and fungus damage! Clover will come to your rescue. As it attracts trace minerals, once it breaks down it quickly spreads these minerals through the soil. Result: the grass then becomes stronger and more resistant to diseases.

  • Stop the weeds!

A well maintained lawn

A well-maintained lawn – Source: spm

Casually, the clover also participates in weeding and chews up the work for you. As a dense groundcover, it is exceptional for crowding out other broadleaved plants such as dandelions, violets, and other vegetation that frequently populates lawns. In the world of gardening and agriculture, we even speak of a “cover crop”: clover is precisely one of them, since its leaves grow densely, thus reducing soil erosion and helping to control weeds. herbs. When sown between plantings of major crops, it keeps weeds in agricultural fields for the following year. As a bonus, this reduces the massive use of herbicides, which limits expenses!

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  • Saving time and money

What are the main advantages of a clover lawn?

  • Low maintenance.
  • Less fertilization.
  • Reduced risk of disease.
  • Reduced watering.
  • Reduced pest control.
  • Less weeding.

Because clover roots are deep, they help hold soil and nutrients in place even during inclement weather. In addition, they have an excellent capacity for natural ventilation. How does this help with erosion control? Commonly, compacted soil leads to runoff and degradation. However, thanks to the aeration favored by the clover lawn, erosion is necessarily reduced.

Read also: How to get rid of weeds naturally? Thanks to a product that is in every home

#unloved #plant #enriches #lawn

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