The US Army announces the destruction of 4 Houthi marches over the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

United States – The US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced the destruction of 3 Houthi movement marches over the Red Sea, and another over the Gulf of Aden last Friday.

Centacom said in a statement: “At approximately 8:45 pm on May 10, the Houthis launched a drone over the Gulf of Aden from their areas of control in Yemen. A coalition aircraft successfully engaged the drones. “No casualties or damage were reported by US, coalition, or commercial vessels.”

The statement added: “Later, between approximately 4:30 am and 4:45 am (Sanaa time) on May 11, US Central Command forces succeeded in destroying three drones launched by the Iranian-backed Houthis over the Red Sea from their areas of control in Yemen. “No casualties or damage were reported by US, coalition, or commercial vessels.”

The statement continued: “It was determined that these drones represent an imminent threat to both coalition forces and commercial ships in the area. These actions are being taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and commercial vessels.

Both the United States and Britain accuse the Houthis of threatening freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, while “Ansar Allah” asserts that it only targets ships linked to Israel in the context of supporting the Gaza Strip, which is subjected to a bloody war and a siege of civilians imposed by Israel.

Source: Agencies

#Army #announces #destruction #Houthi #marches #Red #Sea #Gulf #Aden
2024-05-13 22:25:44

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