The US warns citizens not to travel to Venezuela due to the risk of being detained

The measure is part of an executive order that President Joe Biden will sign and a new alert will be issued.

The United States issued a warning to its citizens on Tuesday against the risk of being arbitrarily detained and used as hostages if they travel to Venezuela, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Burma.

In a phone call with journalists, a senior US government official explained that starting today a new category will be added to the travel alerts issued by the State Department to take this risk into account before traveling.

“We hope that it will serve so that there are fewer travelers from the US who choose to go to these countries where the risk of being arbitrarily detained is greater than in others,” said the senior official.

The measure is part of an executive order that US President Joe Biden will sign this Tuesday and that also includes greater assistance and support for the families of Americans arbitrarily detained abroad and sanctions against the responsible countries.

The indicator of whether a country is at risk of being detained and used as a hostage will be marked on the State Department website under the letter “D”, and will be updated as the risk assessment by the Government changes, so that the current six countries could lose that category in the future and others gain it.

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