The West is doomed

If Western countries hadn’t recognized communist China in the 1970s, most Chinese people would still be riding bicycles today, and Taiwan wouldn’t fear for its safety. Why did you recognize Red China?

To take advantage of cheap labor and a market of one billion consumers. Result: relocations multiplied in the West, which gave rise some forty years later to the election of the free electron Donald Trump.

As for Russia, it was less to be feared during the time of the Soviet Union. From less and less authoritarian leaders, we suddenly came across Vladimir Putin, who seems to want to reconnect with the Stalinist era. The West believed that, with the help of money, these two great neighbors would become democratic. Unfortunately, they did not.

They have just become more undemocratic, more anti-Western, richer, more powerful and more dangerous. It is capitalism biting its own tail. The lure of gain makes us run to our loss.

Montreal, Quebec

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If Western countries hadn’t recognized communist China in the 1970s, most Chinese people would still be riding bicycles today, and Taiwan wouldn’t fear for its safety. Why did you recognize Red China? To take advantage of cheap labor and a market of one billion consumers. Result: the…

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