The worker who was in a hurry to urinate was liberated on the spot and was hit by a woman who witnessed it and demanded 13,000 yuan in compensation: This is the custom in my hometown | International | CTWANT

It’s so weird! A worker in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, was working on a construction site. He found a hidden place to solve it because of urgent urination. However, a female worker saw him. Called the police, and the result was exposed.

According to comprehensive land media reports, the incident happened in 2021. The man was a porter on the construction site. It was close to noon at that time, because he drank a lot of water, and suddenly felt urgent to urinate. Since the toilet was a bit far away, he found a corner and liberated on the spot. This scene happened to be seen by the female worker, who was furious, yelled at him, and then reported the crime.

The female worker angrily called the police and demanded compensation from the man. (Picture / flip from the video of the little elephant)

After the two parties arrived at the police station, the man explained that he didn’t do it on purpose, and that the two were separated by 4 to 50 meters, and he didn’t see the woman at that time; I feel sick even when I eat and drink water, and my whole body is not right. According to the customs of my hometown, seeing this scene is unlucky, so I asked the man to buy her a new set of clothes, set off firecrackers in public, and give her a big red envelope to solve the problem.

The two parties reached an agreement that the man should pay 3,060 yuan in compensation.  (Picture / flip from the video of the little elephant)
The two parties reached an agreement that the man should pay 3,060 yuan in compensation. (Picture / flip from the video of the little elephant)

Finally, under the coordination of the police, the two parties reached a consensus that the man was willing to pay 3,060 yuan in compensation. The woman was very satisfied with the result, so she did not mention this matter again. After the news was exposed, netizens thought it was unreasonable: “It is illegal for a woman to ask a man to settle according to the customs of her hometown, and she should be punished as a crime of extortion”, “Aren’t women peeping, why don’t you pay money”, “An eye-opener”, “If a man accidentally sees a woman peeing in a corner, should he also demand compensation from the woman?”

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