Therapeutic coordination apartments: 1 in 4 residents suffer from a psychological disorder

2023-12-21 16:16:19

Like every year, the Fédération santé Habitat (FSH) publishes its national report on the activity of Therapeutic Coordination Apartments (ACT) with accommodation and outside the walls. In 2022, 1 in 4 residents are affected by a mental disorder. Furthermore, we count 2851 refusal of accommodation due to lack of places, leaving too many people in very precarious and sick situations without a solution. The FSH is therefore requesting the deployment of 3,500 additional places.

Therapeutic coordination apartments (ACT) with accommodation are structures which temporarily accommodate people in situations of psychological and social fragility requiring care and medical monitoring. Their aim is to optimize medical, psychological and social care, through the implementation of global coordination. • The Therapeutic Coordination Apartments (ACT) system “outside the walls” is complementary to general ACTs. He supports people suffering from chronic pathology(s). Medical-social support is provided where people live and no longer exclusively in the context of accommodation.

This report shows that 90% of residents entering ACT were without a fixed residence or in precarious housing and that at the end of care in ACT, more than 60% obtained housing with direct or sliding lease. The establishments are particularly linked to the city but also to the hospital, in particular with a rate of 40% of people from hospital care. Another teaching, the situation of precarious residents suffering from chronic illnesses is evolving: psychiatric illnesses, HIV, cancers, etc.

The Habitat Health Federation emphasizes that in the end, “ despite a sharp rise in precariousness, 4.1 million poorly housed people including 1,098,000 people deprived of personal housing and 330,000 people identified as homeless and a growing difficulty in accessing care, this report proves that the ACTs continue to respond with humanity and efficiency in the service of our most precarious fellow citizens and demonstrate that this multi-professional care must be strengthened and extended« . It therefore requests, as part of a four-year plan, the deployment of 3,500 places in view of the growing needs of the population increasingly confronted with health and social insecurity. »

Pour Léonard NZITUNGA, president of the Santé Habitat Federation, “The Fédération Santé Habitat, a field player in the field of health and extreme poverty, recalls through this report the effectiveness of ACT systems and that more than 50% of the people we welcome come from hospital. We therefore help both a population in great precariousness but are also a player in relieving hospital congestion. To continue our missions, we want both the development of our sector of activity and greater emphasis on our systems to best deploy our action among the most precarious. This is why we are asking for this four-year program.”

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