There is a French GTA on Game Pass that nobody remembers and whose study EA struck down before launch

It’s true that GTA has dominated open worlds with an iron fist for two decades, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been good examples during that time. One of the great exponents of how to create a unique setting in an iconic city is The Saboteur.

The Pandemic Studios title is available on PC Game Pass through EA Play for transport you to World War II in the heart of France. So much so that the main stage of the adventure places us in Paris itself, being able to visit such emblematic places as the Eiffel Tower or the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Here we have to take the role of Sean Devlin, an Irish mechanic who joins the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation in 1940. His main purpose is to avenge the death of his friend with the death of Colonel Kurt Dierker, at the same time that clears the streets of the capital of German troops. Verticality is a hallmark of a game in which stealth is essential.

And it is that we can disable trains, blow up bridges and destroy buildings, all with the firm objective of sabotage the intentions of the Nazis. If we are in a region occupied by the German army, it will be covered by a black and white filter, so the color will return the more areas we liberate. Besides, The Saboteur It has plenty of underground clubs to turn to, as well as weapons, vehicles, and abilities to draw on.

One of the most striking aspects of the work is that the developers at Pandemic Studios were fired from their jobs before the game saw the light of day. On November 17, 2009, EA made the decision to close Pandemic as a studio and all 228 employees were relegated from their jobs. 35 of them were absorbed by EA Los Angeles to support The Saboteur, which finally appeared on December 4 of that year. By way of criticism, some former workers posted a video making it clear to Electronic Arts that they were not happy with the decision.

In ExtraLife | The Saboteur and the castle of Lorraine, the sad story of a content that never saw the light

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