There was a contract with the birthday cake: SV Ried extended their top scorer

Perfect gift for Mark Grosse: SV Guntamatic Ried’s top scorer extended his contract until 2026 on his 25th birthday today. Originally his working paper would have run until summer 2025.

Last summer, the Styrian native moved from Kapfenberger SV to the Innviertel. In the current season he has eight goals – number three in the league’s shooting list – and prepared four more.

Stosic back in speech

While Grosse will continue to wear the Vikings jersey, Nikola Stosic no longer has a future in the Innviertel. Nevertheless, the 24-year-old has returned to the Innviertel for the time being: After his trial training at GAK, the midfielder is currently back in Ried and training with the second team.


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