These 3 exceptional pillars can help you get rid of your love handles!

And while it may seem like an insurmountable challenge to get rid of those persistent, unsightly bulges, the good news is that it is possible. In this article, we’ll give you tips on how to lose your love handles fast so you can have the perfect body no matter your shape or size! Keep reading to learn about effective strategies to banish those diapers in no time.

Healthy and balanced diet:

In addition to reducing your sugar intake, be sure to eat plenty of lean protein (like fish or chicken), healthy fats (like avocados), complex carbohydrates (like quinoa or sweet potatoes) each day. , fruits and vegetables. This will give you the nutrients needed for muscle growth while reducing cravings for unhealthy foods that make weight loss more difficult. Smaller meals every three hours or so during the day. It also helps regulate your metabolism so you burn calories more efficiently.

Physical activity :

Increase your cardio:

Cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, and rowing can help you burn more calories and reduce your overall body fat percentage, including the fat around your midsection. To get results, it is recommended to do moderate intensity exercises for at least 30 minutes, five times a week.

Try interval training:

Short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest can help boost metabolism and burn more calories than traditional cardio exercises. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is known for its effectiveness in reducing belly fat quickly – great for targeting love handles!

Do resistance exercises:

Strength training is great for building muscle mass, which increases calorie burning potential long after your workout is over! Focus especially on exercises like squats, lunges, and shoulder presses that target the core muscles, which will help slim down your waistline and make those love handles less noticeable!

Alternative medicine:


Homeopathy is a practice of alternative medicine that involves using small doses of diluted ingredients to treat various conditions. To lose love handles, one can try a homeopathic remedy like calcarea carbonica, which helps reduce the accumulation of fat in the tissues, especially around the stomach and abdomen. To take this remedy, it is best to opt for 9CH once a week.

Another homeopathic option to help reduce love handles is Natrum sulphuricum, which works to decrease cellulite formation by helping to break down fatty deposits in the tissues. This remedy should be taken twice a day in the form of granules or an oral solution dissolved in hot water before meals. Also, it can be applied topically as an ointment to areas affected by fat accumulation for better results.


Herbal medicine is a form of herbal medicine that can also help reduce love handles. One option is to use green tea extract supplements that contain caffeine and catechins. A type of antioxidant, which has been shown to boost metabolism and burn fat faster than other methods. The supplement should be taken twice daily with meals for best results.

Another herbal medicine option is apple cider vinegar. It has several properties that can help you lose weight, including reducing appetite and boosting metabolism. It is also believed to improve digestion and detoxify the body, allowing it to better absorb nutrients from food while promoting fat burning. To reap the benefits of apple cider vinegar when trying to get rid of your love handles, mix two teaspoons with 250ml of water or fruit juice and drink before each meal, three times a day.


For those looking for other forms of alternative medicine to get rid of stubborn love handles, reflexology may also be considered. Reflexology involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands, feet or ears that are believed to correspond to different organs in the body, such as the liver or spleen. Internal organs known for their involvement in the processes of digestion and elimination that allow the correct absorption of nutrients with the aim of losing weight. It is recommended to perform this therapy at least once a week for best results.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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