These are the benefits it would have for the health of the lungs

Chamomile is one of the most used herbs in the world due to its antiquity and its medicinal properties. This aromatic herb usually reproduces in land located at a height between 1,200 and 2,000 meters above sea level, both in meadows and in dry and mountainous terrain.

The origin of this plant is Western Europe, but it spread to various parts of the world until it became popular. Among its most common uses for healing purposes are digestion, stress and anxiety.

Likewise, it has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties that help to fall asleep and relieve some bodily discomforts such as contusions or bruises. In addition, the essential oil (scented liquid taken from plants) of chamomile is used in perfumes, shampoos, lotions, and in aromatherapy.

To the above is added that chamomile, according to the portal better with healthif mixed with other plants such as thyme, “relaxes the bronchial tubes and eliminates possible bacteria that exist” in the lungs.

Also, due to its antibacterial action in the body, it prevents respiratory diseases, as it reduces inflammation and fights infection. Thus, An infusion of chamomile is considered a good home remedy against the flu, bronchitis and asthma.

It should be noted that despite the benefits of this plant in the lungs, its consumption should be consulted with a specialist, since, Although it helps prevent some respiratory conditions, it does not replace medical treatment.

On the other hand, there are some natural plants that can help improve the condition of the respiratory system and the health of the lungs apart from chamomile. Some of these are:

  • Eucalyptus: the essential oil it contains helps eliminate mucus and relieves throat inflammation. People who resort to its use often find quick relief from congestion, cough, and irritation of the nasal passages. Its active compound, cineole, gives it an expectorant action and anti-inflammatory that helps treat conditions such as bronchitis, asthma and common colds, indicates the website Know how to live TV.

  • Salvia: the natural sage drink is a remedy against irritation of the lungs, especially in smokers. Its antibacterial and purifying compounds help eliminate toxic compounds that are retained in its tissues.
  • Thyme: This is one of the plants recommended for the relief of irritation and congestion of the respiratory tract. Its essential oils exert an antibiotic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect that, in addition to strengthening the immune system, promotes the cleansing of the lungs, ensures the portal better with health. So much the consumption of its infusion as well as the inhalation of its vapors can serve as a remedy to stimulate the elimination of toxins retained in the respiratory system.
  • Plantain: It is rich in mucilages that calm, soften and hydrate the respiratory mucosa, which is why, according to popular culture, it can be useful for relieving bronchitis. It can be taken as an infusion alone or combined with other plants such as thyme.
  • Gordolobo: the leaves and flowers of this plant have active ingredients that help strengthen and purify the lungs. Its natural extracts promote the elimination of toxins and, incidentally, control the excessive production of mucus and inflammation.
  • Peppermint: Its essential oil contains menthol, ideal for lung health. This substance relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways, indicates better with health. Also It has antihistamine and detoxifying properties that help curb the symptoms of respiratory allergies.

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