These are the benefits of eating epazote; the ancestral seasoning of Mexico

The Epazote is one of the native plants of Mexico highly appreciated for its medicinal properties and flavor. Usually, this herb is used in traditional Mexican cuisine. for dishes such as beans from the pot, broths, mole, tortilla soup, chilaquiles and sauces. In addition to having several benefits for preventive health and some discomforts.

Epazote is considered a medicinal plant from Mexico.  (Special)

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Epazote is considered a medicinal plant from Mexico. (Special)

within their medicinal properties The most notable of epazote is the reduction of colic, eliminates parasites, decongests the respiratory tract and increases the production of breast milk.

Nevertheless, health experts recommend consuming epazote in moderationsince in high quantities it could be toxic due to an oil that it releases called ascaridol.

Epazote is one of the ancestral condiments of Mexico par excellence to adapt to various dishes, in addition to being a plant that blooms in autumn and winter and according to experts, It is found more easily in the states of Puebla, Tlaxcala and Edo. de México. being the main producers.

Benefits of eating epazote

High in fiber: One of the main benefits of epazote is that it contains high amounts of fiber, 100 grams have 12% of the recommended daily amount of fiber. In addition to having other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium and zinc.

Strengthens the immune system: Epazote has large amounts of vitamin A, B9 and C, acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system, being a source of folic acid.

Improves digestion: One of the most outstanding benefits of epazote is that it can relieve digestion problems such as constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, deflates the intestines, relieves colic and deworms.

natural sedative: Epazote acts as a natural sedative for people suffering from anxiety or stress, lowers blood pressure and improves sleep quality for people who have trouble sleeping at night.

anti-flu: As we already mentioned, epazote is considered one of the medicinal plants with anti-flu properties, since it calms the discomfort derived from colds such as nasal congestion, headache and decongests the respiratory tract.


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