These seeds reduce cholesterol and improve bone health

The seeds have gained space in healthy diets, among other things, thanks to the fact that they are a source of healthy fats, provide protein, generate satiety, contain antioxidants and are rich in fiber.

The list of seeds that can be included in a balanced and balanced diet to take care of the body’s health is long, among which are flaxseed, chia, hemp, sesame and pumpkin, as well as sunflower, international media refer.

These seeds stand out for their high content of healthy unsaturated fats, proteins, fibers and vitamin E, among other compounds. One of the main benefits attributed to them is that they are antioxidants, which is why they help keep cells healthy.

Also, they help control blood cholesterol. Its richness in monounsaturated (good) fats is what helps it exert a benefit around cholesterol, since it prevents this substance from accumulating on the walls of the arteries.

On the other hand, these foods, due to the amount of iron they contain, help fight conditions such as anemia; and potassium and regulates the activity of the nervous system.


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