Theses of the month: “France in the race for innovative nuclear reactors”

2024-02-29 07:15:31

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is joining forces with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Engineering Sciences (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses linked to our monthly file in order to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our February report, “France in the race for innovative nuclear reactors”, here are the theses selected by REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses of previous months on our partner’s website.

Methodology for studying the integration of Small Modular Reactors into electrical networks as part of the energy transition
Charlie Boudot
Doctoral thesis in Electrical Engineering. Supported on 10/18/2023.
Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Optimization of the Rankine cycle for the flexible operation of a small modular reactor: contribution of partial admission by sectors in the turbine bodies to load monitoring and cogeneration.
Guilherme Vescovi
Doctoral thesis in Process and Environmental Engineering. Supported on 14-12-2023.
Chemical Engineering Laboratory

Development of a neutron calculation scheme for modeling the control of SMRs (Small Modular Reactors) without soluble boron
Pierre Devaux
Doctoral thesis in fluid mechanics, processes, energy. Supported on 14-01-2022
Fuel simulation laboratory (CEA Cadarache)

Nuclear in decarbonized power systems with renewable energy : Flexibility assessment, modeling framework, and role in the French and Western European electric transition
Arthur Lynch
Doctoral thesis in Economic Engineering. Supported on 13-12-2022.
Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Normalizing the apocalypse: organizations and recompositions of the nuclear sector in the face of accidents
Valerie Arnhold
Doctoral thesis in Sociology. Supported on 01-31-2022.
Center for Sociology of Organizations

Nuclear safety, nuclear liability, and the role of the State: lessons from the Fukushima accident
Ryoko Kusumi
Doctoral thesis in Public Law. Supported on 01-13-2023.
Center for international and community studies and research

Contribution to the demonstration of nuclear safety in a model-based engineering context: Methodological proposal
Emir Roumili
Doctoral thesis in Automatic and Micro-electronic Systems. Supported on 07-12-2022.
Risk Sciences Laboratory

From energy salvation to the rescue of the French nuclear industry: investigation into the evolution of visions of the future at the heart of a socio-technical system
Martin Denoun
Doctoral thesis in Sociology. Supported on 22-11-2022.
School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences

Adaptation of law (domestic and international) to small innovative nuclear reactors
Valentina Akopian
Thesis project in Law, since 01-09-2023.
Paris-Panthéon-Assas University

Cloud-Edge management of optimal control of electrical networks
Yara Abdul samad electricity get
Thesis project in Electrical Engineering, since 12/19/2022.

Synthesis of lanthanide and actinide chlorides/oxychlorides for molten salt nuclear reactors
Hugo Cuvilliers
Thesis project in Materials Chemistry, since 01-10-2022.
Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry Unit

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