They arrest a deputy of the National Assembly for links to a drug network

Earlier he sent a letter to parliament renouncing his “immunity”.

File, Archive | It is related to the arrests that occurred at the beginning of the year

Security organizations detained deputy MY Bogado Méndez (PSUV-Lista) in Lara for her alleged link to the “narco-political” network revealed between November 2021 and January 2022, judicial sources told Últimas Noticias.

Bogado Méndez had been followed up for four months. And when she was going to be arrested last June, she was admitted to a Larense health center for a scheduled surgical intervention.

The telephone analysis places her in connection with other members of the narco-political network, already detained and accused by the Public Ministry, explained the informant.

This is the case of the mayor of the Jesús María Semprum municipality of Zulia state, Keyrineth Fernández, and other deputies from Zulia and Táchira.

This Tuesday in the ordinary session of the National Assembly (AN) they received a communication from the parliamentarian in which she voluntarily renounced her deputation and consequently the immunity that the Magna Carta gave her.

The president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, submitted the proposal to a vote and it was approved.

In the parliamentary elections of November 2020, the PSUV nominated Bogado Méndez on the nominal list for circuit 3, constituency 3 of Lara, which includes the municipalities of Simón Planas, Palavecino, Iribarren, parishes: Santa Rosa and Catedral.

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