They ask for security conditions in EPET 7 and new classrooms for the workshop

The parents of EPET 7 alerted about the poor building conditions in the establishmentwhere many students have not yet started classes due to lack of available classrooms, parents assured self-summoned from that technical school.

The parents insisted on Claims that ensured that they were delivered both to the technical management of the CPE and to the management of the establishment. The preceptory works in an emergency room, the establishment’s fire extinguishers would be expired, technical problems in the workshops, among other details broadcast on videos.

In a meeting that took place last week at EPET, the need to create some 10 courses and the designation of positions for those courses, the removal of the provisional trailers that were installed on the site last year to make room for the construction of the required spaces, including the construction of workshops with updated mechanics and technology.

In a massive dissemination campaign that was carried out on networks this weekend, the self-convened parents insisted that They require more classrooms and demanded that the dining room and the technical drawing room not be closed.

They demanded that safety and cleanliness standards be complied with in the workshop sector and the installation of grounding and underground triphasic, so that the schoolchildren’s work area is in safe conditions.

They raised that a sanitary extension is required, because the equipment in the bathrooms is insufficient for an institution with an enrollment of 800 students.

They detailed that the emergency exits are blocked and demanded that fire extinguishers be equipped in the event of an emergency.

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