They ask to lower the costs of the exam that Aviation Medicine will apply

There are many points to clarify in the Mandatory Circular that will enter into force on April 17

Pablo Chavez Meza

Although the modifications that were made known in the single circular for the medical evaluation and obtaining the certificate of psychophysical aptitude of the Aeronautical Technical Personnel (PTA), are good, certain elements still need to be clarified, such as the periodicity of these.

Octavio Amezcua Pacheco, president of the Mexican Council of Aerospace Medicine, assured that although the circular is perfectible, it should be more clear, exempt some tests -such as blood type- and only do it once in the initial tests.

In an interview with A21, the aerospace medicine specialist said that some aspects should not be reviewed every six months.

As of next April 17, the psychophysical requirements for the medical evaluation necessary for the issuance of the PTA psychophysical aptitude certificate, by the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), will enter into force.

Among them, there is proof of address, valid for no more than three months, proof of payment -the cost is 6,390 pesos-, proof of appointment, the Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) and identification as the INE, professional license, military card or passport and, in the case of a renewal, present the previous medical examination.

In accordance with the single mandatory circular CO DMED-08/22, in section 8.1, the medical evaluation for all classes must contain: the clinical history; the general medical examination; ophthalmological examination, visual acuity, color discrimination, eye fundus, campimetry and others, when determined.

In addition, the hearing test, hearing acuity, vestibular function and balance and others, when determined; otorhinolaryngology examination, otoscopy, examination of the neck, nose and paranasal sinuses and others, when determined.

Pneumological exploration, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation of both hemithoraxes and others, when determined; cardiology examination, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation of the area and others, when determined.

There is also the psychiatric assessment: psychiatric history and interview; assessment and psychological study; cabinet studies, chest x-ray, 12-lead electrocardiogram, audiometry and others, when determined.

Likewise, laboratory studies, general urinalysis, glycosylated hemoglobin, complete blood count, group and RH, six-element blood chemistry, psychoactive substance detection test, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) detection test and others are requested. , when determined.

The AFAC specified that, as part of the medical evaluation process, a medical interrogation of incapacitation history during the flight will be carried out, as well as other conditions that may cause an increased medical risk.

Given this, the specialist considered that tests such as HIV, or blood group every six months “is absurd.”

They ask to lower the cost

Regarding the cost of the comprehensive psychophysical examination for the expedition, revalidation or revaluation for rail, maritime and air transportation, the cost is six thousand 390 pesos; Given this, a movement has already been organized among the pilots through electronic means to collect signatures in order to reduce this price, which they consider very high.

According to Amezcua Pacheco, with these costs it is necessary to clarify what they imply and what services are offered in exchange.

The cost does not appear in the regulations, he said; for this reason, he asked that it be clarified that this cost is included. “It becomes an economic burden that drives up spending dramatically,” he said.

He pointed out that the regulation is still perfectible, so the authorities have to give it more clarity, such as seeing which exams will be done routinely and which exams will only be initial; every when certain tests will be done, among others.

“It is necessary to make it very clear when you are going to do what, that is what is not clear to me in this regulation; since there are exams that should only be done once because they will never change, and others every six months or every two years, ”he asserted.

The AFAC published, as part of its transition from the civil aviation medicine system of the General Directorate of Transport Medicine to the specificity of Aviation Medicine, the psychophysical requirements for medical evaluation, in accordance with the Mandatory Circular CO DMED – 08 /22.

Among them are the complete blood count that contemplates the blood chemistry of six elements (glucose, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, total cholesterol and triglycerides).

Glycosylated hemoglobin, general urine test, HIV detection test.

In the case of the initial medical examination, anteroposterior chest X-ray must be submitted, and for the renewal medical examination, for class I, every 3 years; for class II, every 4 years and for class III, every 3 years or before, “at the indication of your examining physician”.

In addition, the 5-item urine detection test for psychoactive substances (drug detection) must be carried out.

With these measures, it is said, the AFAC complies with part of the measures requested by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States (FAA) to recover Category 1 in terms of air safety.

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