They beat him to death and simulated that he drowned in the Orinoco

Two friends of the man were the perpetrators and are behind bars.

What was initially believed to be an accident and that he died by immersion in the Orinoco River. The investigations determined that Rissy Rionel Rivas Zapata, 42, was actually killed.

It happened in the Vuelta Triste community in Tucupita, Delta Amacuro state. The man was found dead in the waters of the Orinoco River.

When performing the autopsy, it was determined that he had been hit with blunt objects, which caused him to fall into the water and drown.

This was reported by the director of the Corps of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations, Douglas Rico, on his social networks.

Rivas Zapata was with JL Márquez, 49, nicknamed “el Maro” and HR Zapata, 61, who is nicknamed “el Gato” in a curiara drinking alcohol. Apparently, then an argument arose between them and they began to hit him with the oars, that’s how he fell into the water and lost his life, Rico said.

The perpetrators have already been put behind bars, having been found in the communities of San Carlos and Vuelta Triste de Tucupita. The evidence was collected and everything was placed at the order of the Public Ministry.

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