They captured a serial sex offender in Las Adjuntas

serial sex offender

Officials from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistics Investigations Corps captured in Las Adjuntas a man accused of serial sex offender.

According to information released by Douglas Rico, director of the Cicpc, the subject is involved in more than 10 cases of rape. He explained that among his victims were women between the ages of 16 and 40, whom he threatened to kill using a firearm. “The victims presented the same pattern of injuries, modus operandi and physical features of the aggressor,” he said.

In addition, he indicated that “he forced his victims to get on a motorcycle-type vehicle, taking them to vacant lots, where he beat them and sexually abused them.”

The predator was identified as Rendy José Castillo López, 25, who was an officer of the Carrizal Municipal Police, Miranda state. But he was suspended for administrative acts.

According to Rico, the serial sex offender operated in areas such as La Yaguara, Carreteta Vieja Caracas – Los Teques, Caricuao, Macarao, Mamera and El Paraíso.

After months of investigation, a commission of the Coordination of Crimes against the people of the Municipal Delegation of Caricuao found his whereabouts. His arrest took place in Las Adjuntas, Macarao parish, Caracas, where they also located a Ford Fiesta vehicle.

Rendy Castillo was placed under the order of the 104th, 134th and 143rd Prosecutor’s Offices of the Public Ministry of the Caracas Metropolitan Area.

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