They current 15 captured in a case of fraud towards the COSAVI cooperative 2024-05-17 16:36:46

This Friday, the authorities of El Salvador have offered 15 captured individuals, 10 males and 5 ladies, within the case of fraud of $35 million to the COSAVI cooperative, who will likely be despatched to trial.

The detainees are: Xiomara Guadalupe Gómez Raymundo, Manuel Alonso Gómez Raymundo, Luis Luciano Orellana, René Alexander González Melgar, Elsa Estela Escobar Urquilla, Oscar Armando Munguía Vásquez, Rolando Alexander Henríquez, Jacqueline Jazmín Jorge de Hernández, Manuel Alberto Coto Franco, Cerbelia Fidencia Barrientos de Coto and Edson Valdomiro Coreas Ávalos.

The legal professional basic, Rodolfo Delgado, assured that these concerned will face fees for Cash and Asset Laundering, Defrauding the Public Economic system, Concealment, Unlawful Teams, amongst different crimes.

#current #captured #case #fraud #COSAVI #cooperative

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