They only spoil your vacation: the doctor debunked 8 popular summer health myths

The best sunburn remedy is baby cream or oil

Sunburns are often offered to be treated with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, and baby creams. All of these products contain fat that is harmful to burned skin. It forms a dense film on the skin, preventing the release of excess heat from the tissues. The burn progresses, leads to swelling of the soft tissues and can even provoke an infection.

For the same reason for sunburn treatment do not use sour cream and other fatty dairy products. In general, doctors do not advise resorting to folk methods. It is better to give preference to pharmaceutical products with panthenol or aloe extract. They will give the right combination of cooling and moisturizing.

Walking in a wet swimsuit is very dangerous.

It is believed that after bathing it is necessary to immediately change into dry clothes, and if this is not done, then you can earn an infection of the bladder or genital organs. However, it is not hypothermia that leads to such diseases, but pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Another thing is that such microorganisms love heat and high humidity. In other words, in theory, there is still a chance to pick up a “thrush” or cystitis from wet laundry. But only if you have a predisposition to such diseases, and do not take off your swimsuit all day. In other cases, in the intervals between swimming on the beach, it is not necessary to change clothes.

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