They reported the fire of a house in Sabana de Piedra

There was no one in the residence. The neighbors noticed the fire and extinguished it with buckets of water.

A fire affected a residence located in Barrio Sabana de Piedra, San Félix.

The reports from the fire department indicated that the fire started around noon and none of the residents were in the house.

The residents of the sector noticed what was happening and broke down the front door to access the room where the fire was, which they proceeded to extinguish with water pipes.

The flames consumed the entire room. Among the registered losses, the following stand out: two double beds, a television, a fan, clothes, shoes, personal documentation and identity cards of the inhabitants.

On the other hand, a vegetation fire took place in the facilities of the Fernando Peñalver High School, located on Avenida 5 de Julio, Ciudad Bolívar.

A commission from the Marine Fire Department attended the incident, which covered some 250 meters of land.

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