They steal 24 patrol cars that were assigned to the Cicpc

Authorities opened an investigation to find the whereabouts of the vehicles, including 8 motorcycles.

At least 24 police units that were assigned to the Zulia state Criminal, Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc) were reported as stolen.

Detectives have already begun an investigation to find the whereabouts of the vehicles.

According to the information, the lot is made up of 16 cars and a truck. The count also included 8 motorcycles.

So far they have recovered two units: Toyota Tacoma truck located in Mauroa (Falcón) and a motorcycle, brand Kawasaki KLR, which was in Cabimas.

Three citizens were identified for carrying out procedures to transfer three stolen patrol cars.

The clues to locate these people were obtained from their social networks and public organizations.

The investigation is ongoing, authorities said.

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