They threw a newborn from a bridge into the river and survived

The girl had the umbilical cord still bloody and amniotic fluid in her body.

A newborn girl miraculously survived after being thrown from a bridge into a river inside a backpack. She was found by residents of the Brazilian town of São Lourenço da Mata, in the state of Pernambuco.

According to the doctor Nicolle Galiza, quoted by the newspaper O Globo, the girl had the umbilical cord still bloody and amniotic fluid in her body, which indicates that the delivery had occurred very recently.

“I was already cold and very purple. She arrived [al hospital] wrapped in the shirts of the people who rescued her. She had no signs of injury, trauma or any kind of violence, but her temperature was well below ideal, ”said the doctor who treated the baby.

He also reported that the umbilical cord had signs of an unprofessional cut, and the procedure had not even been done to prevent it from losing blood. “There was nothing to prevent bleeding, we clamped the cord. It is incredible that she did not lose blood, because when there is no clamping the baby loses blood, ”she explained.

Authorities are investigating the case as an attempted homicide and no possible suspects have been identified so far. According to witnesses, a man on a motorcycle would have thrown the newborn from a bridge into the Capibaribe River.

Health officials said the girl’s condition is stable and she remains under observation at the hospital.

She will be discharged and is already in the custody of the public authorities so that she can be institutionalized.

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