They call them “students” but attack the police. Clashes in the States General of the birth rate –

Giuseppe China

Transfeminism, in addition to solidarity towards Palestine in an anti-Israel function, is the latest front in the battles of Roman university and high school students. The means to achieve the goal? It’s always censorship and violence. In the aftermath of the youth protest against the Minister of the Family, Eugenia Roccella, who was prevented from intervening during the General States of Birth, the acronyms Aracne, Zaum and Sapienza Collective Coordination took to the streets demonstrating in a procession. The itinerary agreed with the Police Headquarters included the departure from Piazzale degli Eroi and the arrival in Piazza Cavour. It’s a shame that at via Candia, the approximately 250 young people attempted to enter via Leone IV instead of continuing on via Giulio Cesare as previously established.

Clashes between police and protesters.  Two officers and a girl were injured

The most troublesome would have liked to reach Via della Conciliazione, where the event on the birth rate is taking place. A circumstance that led to the inevitable clash with the police. The cordons of officers rejected, even with the use of truncheons, the attempt to divert the procession, so in response, vases of flowers and high-heeled shoes were thrown at them and paint was thrown. The violence of the demonstrators also targeted numerous scooters, which were thrown to the ground along the route. The toll of the injured: four policemen, two of whom were taken to San Carlo di Nancy for various bruises; three students, among them a girl hit in the head was admitted to the Santo Spirito hospital. It seems like we are seeing the scenes of last April 17th, when the scene of the violence was La Sapienza University and 27 members of the police were injured.

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The moment of tension was followed by a period of stasis in Via Leone IV, a period of time in which the hypothesis circulated that the procession would not continue to Piazza Cavour. Then, on the contrary, the young people started walking again and chanting: “We have no trust in the State”, “I decide about my body” and “All f…na”. These are undoubtedly among the most popular. In the meantime, the No Tav, Palestinian, anarchist and pirate flags are flying. The march ends just before 2pm, but some students’ day isn’t over. A group of around sixty people decides to go near the police station: where a 16-year-old young man had been taken a few hours earlier. As a precaution, some access roads to the building in via San Vitale were closed.

#call #students #attack #police #Clashes #States #General #birth #rate #Tempo
2024-05-12 06:33:14

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