This is how the new plaque with four nominees was

passed a new nomination gala at the Big Brother house and there are four participants who were left on the plate for the elimination next Sunday.

The four nominees are: Ariel, Daniela, Lucila and Agustin. Morning, romina and marcos they must agree to save one after winning the leader game of the week.

Juliet made the spontaneous nomination and he gave three votes to Agustín and two to Ariel. She made it clear that she distrusts Agustín’s game, something that Daniela replied. The participant went for the same side and voted for both of them.

Nacho was saved just from entering the plate by giving Daniela two votes that made her go up in her place. Like Camila, they ended up with 3, just below Daniela’s 4.

The most voted were Ariel (7), Agustín (6) and Lucila (5)who entered the plate for the first time since he returned home in one of the playoffs.

To be Nacho, Julieta (2 votes) and Walter (2) Off the plate, the five participants who have been on the reality show since the beginning have their continuity assured since they romina and marcos they had immunity as leaders.

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