This is how they should be consumed to cleanse the colon and lose weight

Flax or linseed seeds within a balanced diet can be one of the best allies for the intestinal microbiota, since they are a good source of fiber and fatty acids.

In addition, the properties of flaxseed also help people who suffer from irritable bowel, since they reduce their symptoms and prevent it from being a nuisance on a day-to-day basis.

And although the colon has the ability to cleanse itself during the elimination of waste, it is sometimes overloaded and has difficulty fulfilling its functions. Consequently, large amounts of waste accumulate and, since they are not expelled, travel through the blood to reach the cells of the body, according to the portal Better with Health.

It should be noted that most nutrition experts recommend ground flaxseed over whole because the ground form is easier to digest, according to Mayo Clinic specialists

Flaxseed helps people who suffer from irritable bowel, as it reduces its symptoms and prevents it from being a nuisance on a day-to-day basis. – Foto: thinkstock

Health benefits of flax seeds

Here other benefits of flax seeds, shared by the portal specialized in health, Body and mind, for the whole organism:

Fiber: Lignanos

  • Its presence of lignans, which are compounds similar to fiber, has many benefits for digestion, and they are also antioxidants, since they are polyphenols.
  • It also has mucilages –fibers with such convoluted names as arabinoxylan and galactoxylan– which, when dissolved in water, form a gel with a very beneficial effect on the intestinal tract.

energizing vitamins

  • They provide vitamin B1, a nutrient that participates in the processes of energy production from food and is essential for the health of the heart and the nervous system.
  • 15 g of seeds provide approximately 15% of the daily needs.


  • Flax seeds are high in alpha-linolenic acid, the parent of the omega-3 family. It is 57% alpha-linolenic acid. 15 g of seeds provide 135% of the daily needs of omega-3.
  • This contribution helps correct the imbalance in favor of omega-6 – found in margarines and sunflower, corn and other vegetable oils – in most people, which causes a tendency to inflammation.

Against neurological disease

  • Omega-3 essential fatty acids are part of the composition of neuronal membranes, where the biochemical reactions necessary for the proper functioning of the brain take place.
  • For this reason, flax oil or seeds could be used to combat different neurological disorders or to preserve and enhance intellectual faculties.
  • In addition, some reviews of studies indicate that it can be helpful in some cases of attention deficit and hyperactivity in children, and that it can also reduce and prevent the symptoms of some psychoses and bipolar disorder.

Reduces inflammation

  • Several studies confirm that eating dishes enriched with flax seeds reduces blood levels of c-reactive protein, an indicator of the degree of inflammation, by up to 15%.
  • So much so that the anti-inflammatory effect of flaxseed has been recommended in the symptomatic treatment of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, arthritis and psoriasis.

protect the heart

Flax seeds to cleanse the colon

Flaxseed water is a purifying and detoxifying drink that is beneficial both to promote weight loss and to help cleanse the colon and leave it free of all those toxins that can harm your health in the short and long term, according to the magazine Sports world, in their health and wellness section.


  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds.
  • 1 cup of water.


  • In a pot, boil the water.
  • When it starts to boil, add the flax seeds and boil for about 3 or 4 minutes.
  • After this time, turn off the heat, cover the pot and let it rest for 3 more minutes, it should be thick.
  • Finally, strain and drink.
  • It is recommended to drink flaxseed water before breakfast for about a month.

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