This is the fruit that helps prevent breast cancer and colon cancer

Breast cancer occurs when breast cells begin to grow uncontrollably, according to the American Cancer Society of the United States. In addition, he explained that breast cancers can originate in different parts of the breast:

  • Most breast cancers start in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple (ductal cancers).
  • Some cancers start in the glands that make milk (lobular cancers).
  • There are also other types of breast cancer that are less common, such as phyllodes tumor and angiosarcoma.
  • A small number of cancers start in other tissues of the breast. These cancers are called sarcomas and lymphomas, and are not really considered breast cancers.

For his part, Colon cancer is one of those that may or may not present symptoms from the beginning of its development, which is why some people realize that they have it when it is already advanced. Although science has advanced in recent years and treatments have been developed to combat this disease, some habits can also be avoided to prevent it.

According to the American organization Mayo Clinic, This type of cancer often begins with polyps in the colon, located at the end of the large intestine. Mostly, these cells form benign, but over time they can become cancerous.

“Polyps can be small and cause few or no symptoms. For this reason, doctors recommend regular screening tests to help prevent colon cancer by identifying and removing polyps before they turn into cancer,” the organization explained, stressing the need for early medical checkups. the illness.

Well, there is a fruit in particular that helps prevent the types of cancer mentioned and this is the mango. According to the portal Trops, “A team of researchers recently found that the mango fruit is effective in preventing and stopping the growth of cancer cells in the most common forms of colon cancer and breast cancer.”

Mango: these are the benefits it has for health

The mango is the national fruit of India, where 14 million tons are produced annually. In addition, it is linked to legends and stories. One of the best known has to do with the fact that Siddharta Gautama, Buddha, was always sitting under the shade of a mango tree, because he represented perpetual youth and enlightenment. In fact, the mango tree is known as the tree of wisdom.

Nevertheless, In addition to its spiritual relevance, the daily consumption of this tropical fruit brings endless benefits to the body, among which the prevention of heart disease and improvement in digestion stand out.

  • Prevents heart disease. Mango intake helps reduce body fat and control the amount of sugar in the blood. In addition, as mentioned above, it is a fruit rich in carotenes, antioxidants that fight radicals that affect the heart.
  • Improves digestion. Due to its high fiber content, mango helps keep the colon clean, which allows the organ to work optimally. On the other hand, experts point out that this fruit contains digestive enzymes that break down proteins and improve digestion.
  • Helps lose weight. Nutritionist Marta Gamez, technical director of Spain’s NC Health Group, told the newspaper The world what mango has a minimal calorie load, helping to satisfy hunger and control weight.

According to the expert, 100 grams of mango only provide 59 kilocalories, a low percentage if one takes into account that the light diet of a sedentary adult should contain at least 2,000 kilocalories per day.

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