This is what the color says about your health

The color and texture of your period blood says a lot about you Health status. It is a kind of mood barometer for yours Body. So it makes sense to take a closer look. We have an overview for you with the different color types and their meaning.

Your body can also use the color of the bleeding to give you a warning signal.

Your period blood gives you information about your body

It comes like the Amen in prayer every few weeks – Strawberry Week. And even if we sometimes wonder about the different color nuances. We haven’t really thought about it that much yet. The color of blood can tell us a lot about the body. Basically, the period begins and ends as brown spotting, which becomes heavier in between and gets a strong red color. In general, you don’t have to worry if the color of your bleeding changes over the course of the cycle. And here is the meaning of the different shades:

Hell rot

Light-colored menstrual blood often occurs at the beginning of the period. This is usually fresh blood that has been shed by the lining of the uterus. The sex hormone estrogen controls our entire cycle. A bright red color in your menstrual blood can also indicate low estrogen levels. This is the case, for example, if you have been on a diet or have drunk too much alcohol. Slight bright red bleeding could also be an indication of a recent pregnancy. Unfortunately, if you’re already pregnant, bright red blood can also be a sign of a miscarriage. If your bleeding is permanently bright red or pink, you should contact your gynecologist to be on the safe side. If the persistent light bleeding is accompanied by severe pain, it may be a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Strong red

If the bleeding is normal, rich red, you can be sure that everything is fine.


While bright red indicates low estrogen levels, dark blood mostly indicates high estrogen levels. Tough dark lumps especially at the beginning of the bleeding are mostly natural remnants of the uterine lining. However, if these do not subside and you find a noticeable amount of tissue residue accompanied by severe cramps, this could be an indication of fibroids or endometriosis. Be sure to bring this up at your next gynecologist appointment.


If your bleeding is orange, it could be an indication that something is wrong. You should too Changes in smell and consistency of the period, caution is advised. It could be an infection. Better clarify this with your gynecologist.

Brown to Black

Brown menstrual blood at the beginning of your period is mostly residue from your last menstrual period and is nothing to worry about. The brown color can also be an indication of slow flowing periods. Due to the slow pace, more oxygen is added, which means that this brownish color also occurs at the end of the period. So if brown period blood occurs in between or at the beginning and end, that’s nothing unusual. Brown blood can also be an indication of shed parts of the uterine lining. However, if you often find very dark period blood, you should discuss this at your next gynecologist appointment to be on the safe side.

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