This is what the inhabitants of each planet of the Solar System would look like, according to artificial intelligence | AI | Mexico | Spain | USA | | TECHNOLOGY

2023-06-16 14:54:03

Thanks to the artificial intelligence (IA), we can get a much more concrete idea of ​​what the inhabitants of each planet in our Solar System might look like. The Muy Interesante website used the AI-powered Midjourney platform to visualize the faces and bodies of the inhabitants of neighboring planets, including our own planet Earth.

This generative technology receives an image request from the designer, who enters a description in the form of a command or instruction. The AI ​​issues its responses and the ones it considers most suitable for publication are selected.

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In addition to Earth, they imagined inhabitants of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These are the eight planets that are part of our system, with the Sun as a star.

What Midjourney did was to combine the characteristics of each planet in the form of humanoids. Therefore, we are not looking at the actual inhabitants, but rather artistic representations of each world.

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