This new state aid can reach up to €4,000, how can you benefit from it?

Since the beginning of the year, France has been trying to set up mechanisms to push its habitants to pollute less. Indeed, many measures have been implemented on French territory in order to reduce the pollution.Therefore, it remains obvious that an electric bicycle constitutes a much less polluting means of transport than a car. So, if you drop your old polluting car, the state offers you help. This subsidy can go up to 4000€ for the purchase of an electric bicycle. We tell you everything!

Global warming

Global warming worries the French more and more. Thus, the French government is trying its best to convince France and its inhabitants to switch to electric bicycles. And this, instead of an old polluting car. In order to reduce its CO2 emissions as much as possible. Only a few weeks ago, we discovered that the bonus dedicated to the purchase of an electrically assisted bicycle (VAE) was going to experience a rise. Indeed, state aid will double.

The British newspaper The Times has chosen to point out good news for future owners of an e-bike. Indeed, if you decide to scrap your old car. So you can buy an electric bike at the start of the school year. While receiving state aid. You can receive up to 4000 euros!

State aid for electric bike conversion

If the ecological bonus for the purchase of an electric bike has become more substantial for a week, the conversion bonus remains just as concerned. And this, until December 31, 2022. This is very good news. If you make the decision to permanently part with your old car, whether petrol or diesel, to opt for an electric bike, perfect for the city, that’s perfect! Indeed, state aid allows you to receive up to 4000 euros. A tidy sum for anyone wishing to make an effort for the good of the planet… And even, there is also the advantage of spending less time in traffic jams during morning before work. This sport in the morning can also cause endorphins which will allow you to arrive from better mood.

To receive the highest amount of this state aid, the retraining bonus, there are obviously conditions to be met. This concerns people with a low income or with a disability. It therefore becomes possible to receive up to 40% of the acquisition cost. And this, within the limit of 3000 euros. If you work or live in an urban low-emission zone (ZFE), you can also benefit from an additional aid of 1000 euros. In total, you can receive a conversion bonus of 4000 euros. The condition: make a cross on your vehicle diesel or petrol.

A bonus for everyone?

In addition, if you enjoy a more comfortable income, the conversion bonus is not bad. Indeed, you can receive up to 40% of the acquisition cost. But this time, in the limit of 1500 euros. With the same possibility to recover 1000 euros by working or living in an EPZ. In the end, you can allexpensive 2500 euro if you part with your polluting car. However, your vehicle, too, must tick a few conditions. It must be an old car. Yes, your car must have a first registration before January 2006. It must have belonged to you for at least a year, not be pledged and be considered as “damagedby an expert. In short, a good car made for scrapping.

Likewise, your next purchase must also meet a few conditions. Your e-bike may be new or used, it doesn’t matter. Purchased or rented, under a contract of two years or more. But in any case, it must have a unique identifier written on the frame. And above all, do not use lead acid batteries. Now is the perfect time to buy an electric bike. But especially to say goodbye to your old polluting car. After procurement of your VAE, you have six months to apply for this state aid. Finally, you should know that you have the possibility of accumulating this bonus conversion with the ecological bonus.

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