Three Austrian girls learn on the Bachmann Prize in Klagenfurt

The studying competitors for the forty eighth Ingeborg Bachmann Prize will function three members from Austria: Kaska Bryla (“The Loons”), who was born in Vienna and grew up between Vienna and Warsaw, Ulrike Haidacher (“The Social gathering”), who was born in Graz, and Johanna Sebauer (“Nincshof”), who grew up in Burgenland and now lives in Hamburg, are among the many 14 competing authors from Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia and Finland.

Picture: Minitta Kandlbauer (LST KŠrnten)


Ulrike Haidacher
Picture: Minitta Kandlbauer (LST KŠrnten)

From June 26 to 30, they are going to compete for the Bachmann Prize, value 25,000 euros, and 4 different prizes (value 37,000 euros) on the Days of German-Language Literature within the ORF Theater of the Carinthia Regional Studio. This 12 months, the jury can be chaired by Gmunden-born college professor Klaus Kastberger.

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