Three-month-old infant victimized by violent parents, leading to their prosecution.

On January 13, 2020, a child was admitted to intensive care with significant injuries suggesting that he had been violently shaken. The injuries caused a psychomotor handicap. The investigation revealed that the mother had physically abused the child several times because she couldn’t bear his crying, while the father did not intervene.

A distressing incident occurred while the child was hospitalized and had left intensive care – the mother, annoyed by her child’s crying, covered his mouth with a piece of tape despite the presence of a nurse. The mother presents a schizoid and antisocial personality, according to an expert, and the prosecution is seeking a five-year suspended prison sentence against her. The father is facing a one-year suspended prison sentence.

While the mother’s defense seeks a reduced sentence, the father’s lawyer is requesting his acquittal.

The child had been admitted to intensive care on January 13, 2020. This baby had narrowly escaped death and had significant injuries showing that he had been shaken very violently. The injuries had caused him a psychomotor handicap.

The investigation revealed that the mother could not bear her baby’s crying and actions and that she had beaten him on several occasions. The father had for his part refrained from helping his child.

A scene of degrading treatment also took place while the baby was hospitalized and had just left intensive care. Annoyed by her child’s crying and under the gaze of a nurse, the mother decided to give her child a pacifier and then covered his mouth with a piece of tape. While the nurse worried about removing the gag in a delicate way, the mother had decided to tear it off without any consideration.

The mother of the child presents, according to an expert, a schizoid and antisocial personality. The prosecution requested a five-year suspended prison sentence against her. Against the father, the surrogate requested a one-year suspended prison sentence.

The mother’s defense requested a less substantial sentence while the father’s lawyer requested his acquittal.

2023-04-14 16:54:00
#Parents #prosecuted #violence #inflicted #threemonthold #infant

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