Three Wise Men 2022: the best memes

As every year, This January 6, the arrival of the wise men. While in almost all the world, the boys woke up with the illusion of finding with their shoes the desired gifts, the great ones shared jokes on social networks to explain why this year Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar passed by home.

Thus, in this 2022 edition, and especially in the last hours, a large number of memes circulated on Twitter and WhatsApp Allusive to this date that occurs in the midst of a sharp increase in coronavirus cases. Either because of the covid pandemic or because of the skinny pockets, the “jokes” were used as an argument in the absence of presents.

Why didn’t the kings come?

The popular saying states that “he who warns does not betray.” For this reason, with Ómicron generating an explosion of infections in our country – a new daily record was set yesterday, with almost 100,000 infections – there were no shortage of memes related to the pandemic, tests, vaccines and health passes. Those who were most successful were those who appealed to a kind of sanitary “excuse” to justify the meager or non-existent gifts in some houses.

One of them shows Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar mounted on their camels at night, “We are almost there,” they say. But then in another cartoon the caravan is shown retracing its steps before a typical oblivion of these times in our country: “Damn, the covid certificate.” Have they returned?

Another very popular meme was a “notice” from the kings. “Melchor has just tested positive. Gaspar and Baltasar are in close contact. They do not come this year,” reads the post that circulated on WhatsApp to explain why this year there were many solitary shoes.

In the same vein, an image that was shared in groups of “moms and dads” from the WhatsApp school shows – again – some empty slippers next to the Christmas tree. Next to it, with a “note” from the kings emulating the “seen” from the messaging application … And the gifts?

Of tests and vaccines

Other posts were dedicated to tests, swabs and anticovid vaccines. One of the ones that circulated the most was a cartoon of the Kings swabbing and another in which they put alcohol gel on their hands and take their temperature, prior to the distribution of gifts.

There was also a post dedicated to vaccines, the “gifts” that this year the kings brought to the child Jesus. And Mary asking the monarchs to inoculate first the donkey from the manger in Bethlehem.


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