Tidying up is good for your health

2024-01-31 13:54:41

If disorder and mess reflect negative images, order and tidying rhyme with harmony, warmth and joy… But the advantages of tidying up are not only measurable on the aesthetic aspect.

Tidying up, a source of happiness

A few years ago, extolling the interests and benefits of his KonMari method in a book that became a bestseller, The magic of storage, Marie Kondo became a real tidying guru. The secret of his KonMari method ? Declutter your home to improve everyday life. Among the main principles which have made the method successful, the fact that storage is done by category and no longer by room or place and the main objective: keep only the objects that speak to one’s heart and arouse joy. This is what we could summarize as the method developed by the popess of tidying up. What if sorting and tidying up doesn’t satisfy you? In 2023, Marie Kondo seemed to repent (admitting half-heartedly that maintaining a tidy interior was not really realistic during a webinar intended for the media). However, years later, his influence is still felt. Beyond being a means of moving towards inner happiness, tidying up has many benefits for well-being. And it’s not just Marie Kondo who says it!

Tidy up to fight stress

It has been proven by numerous scientific studies: having a tidy environment helps reduce stress. According to a study from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), cortisol levels (the stress hormone) are higher in women living in a disordered home. To better understand how it is enough to observe the impact of disorder on one’s state of stress… whereas an ordered interior will create a feeling of comforting security.

Tidy up to be more efficient

It’s quite easy to perceive: in an untidy space we will have more difficulty finding our way and we will waste more time unnecessarily, the disorder thus giving a feeling of inefficiency. A study has in fact demonstrated that people who worked in an orderly environment were able to carry out their tasks more easily, whereas, on the contrary, those working in a disorderly environment had more difficulty concentrating on their tasks.

Tidy up to improve your self-confidence

We’ve all heard it before: a tidy interior is the reflection of a well-organized mental space. By working to restore order, we will take care of ourselves and our minds. The best is to tidy up mindfully to be fully aware of progress, but even tidying without being very concerned should manage to benefit from the mental benefits of tidying up. Better yet, once the ‘tidying up’ mission is completed, we will feel a certain pride and, in fact, improve our self-confidence… following the same reasoning, cleaning would be good for our health!

Storage vs. order: what difference?

The nuance is subtle but must be emphasized. Order is rather objective while tidying is more subjective: not all people perceive the tidying of a space in the same way. A room can be tidy for an individual – and allow them to feel good there – without being tidy…

When tidying becomes dangerous…

It is not because tidying up does good that it is necessarily good: beware of excess! When we become obsessed with tidying up, it becomes a disorder that can cause more damage (than good things).

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#Tidying #good #health

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