Tips for enjoying the beach during your period

2023-07-13 06:00:25

Here are the best tips for enjoying the beach or the pool during your period without discomfort…

Last update : July 13, 2023

With the arrival of summer vacation, one of the favorite plans is to go to the beach. However, if the rest days coincide with those of the menstrual period, many women feel uncomfortable and start considering the idea of ​​suspending this idea. How to enjoy the beach during menstruation? Here are a few tips.

First of all, it should be remembered that menstruation is a natural process that should not prevent you from enjoying your free time. As long as you take a few steps, you can have a great time without discomfort.

Can you go to the beach during your period?

There are no medical contraindications to going to the beach during menstruation. Whether or not to do so largely depends on personal preference.

Nevertheless, this is also subject to the symptoms experienced on those days. If there are cramps, headaches and discomfort, it is best to wait until they get better. The sun and the beach environment can aggravate this type of discomfort.

On the other hand, it is necessary to make some adjustments in the way of facing the rules. The protection method may need to be adjusted. In addition to organizing some utensils to ensure greater comfort in these environments.

Besides, you need to follow the stream to make the respective changes timely. This is the best way to prevent spillage accidents.


Did you know it’s a myth that periods stop when you’re underwater? In the water, the blood vessels constrict and slow down the flow a little. However, they do not cut it and cause no problem.
Swimming is a way to calm menstrual cramps and stress these days. Its practice promotes the release of endorphins (pain moderators) and helps inhibit prostaglandins (responsible for colic and inflammation).

What to do to enjoy the beach during menstruation?

Understanding that menstruation does not prevent the possibility of bathing or going to the beach with ease, it becomes necessary to follow some tips to make the experience comfortable.

1. Choose the right protection

The comfort and security that the chosen method of protection conveys is the most important thing. In this sense, the two viable options for swimming are tampons and the menstrual cup. Each performs the function with different characteristics, but they provide sufficient guarantees.

after protection, the best way to do this is to practice how each works beforehand. This includes placement as well as required maintenance intervals.

Towels, although for many the most comfortable option, are not recommended for environments such as the beach. Because they prevent you from comfortably enjoying activities in the water and can cause irritation due to heat and humidity.

2. Reinforce sun protection

During the days of the menstrual period, the skin tends to become more sensitive than normal. As a result, when exposed to the sun, the risk of burns is even greater. To avoid this, keep a broad-spectrum sunscreen (over 30 SPF) on hand.

This product should be reapplied at least every two hours. In addition, its use can be enhanced by choosing clothes that cover a large part of the body. Hats and sunglasses complete this treatment.

3. Prepare all protections

Those who have gone through difficult times during an outing while having their period know that you have to prepare for the worst. In this sense, it is convenient to have in addition tampons, wipes, soap, protectors and other toiletries.

4. Perform early waxing (optional)

It’s not a good idea to leave hair removal until the last moment. Because skin sensitivity on these days can lead to irritation and discomfort. The ideal is therefore to wax a few days before your period.

5. Choose the right swimsuit

The confidence generated by the swimsuit will make the choice easier. Beyond the fact that it is a model of aesthetic preference, dark colors can help alleviate any emergency that arises. In addition, one-piece models are very well accepted during these stages.

6. Hydration

Another habit that should not be neglected when going to the beach during the menstrual period is hydration. Although it is necessary to drink water, tea or other refreshing drink under normal conditions, being at the beach or swimming pool accelerates dehydration. This can make cramps and bloating worse.

So be sure to have both bottled water and electrolyte drinks on hand. Hydrate at least every 30 minutes.

7. Rester active

You may want to spend time by the sea or lay on the beach. However, nothing prevents you from practicing other activities such as swimming, walking or practicing any beach sport.

These types of activities distract you, decrease feelings of stress, and can help relieve pain and swelling.

Also read: Breast pain and the menstrual cycle

Menstrual cup: the best option to protect yourself at the beach during menstruation

Tampons and the menstrual cup are reliable options to be comfortable on the beach during period days. However, among these options, the cut stands out from the traditional tampons. For what?

It does not work by absorption. Unlike tampons, the menstrual cup holds until it is cleaned. It is therefore not contaminated.
Precise adaptation. It adapts perfectly to the female body, because it is flexible.
Utilisation simple. Placing and cleaning with the opening of the plastic handle makes it easy and quick to use.
Ecological choice. Being reusable, it does not promote excessive production that harms the environment from non-renewable resources.
Comfort. A correct fit makes it imperceptible.
Big capacity. The possibility of absorption of tampons is reduced with an approximate duration of 4 or 5 hours, while the menstrual cup can reach 8 hours without risk of losses.

Beach and menstruation: What to remember?

If the days of the menstrual period coincide with the visit to the beach, there is no reason to suspend the plans. It is enough to choose the appropriate method of protection. In addition to strengthening the measures to expose themselves to the sun. The bleeding itself does not prevent you from doing activities outdoors or in the water.

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