Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress and Boosting Emotional Well-being

2023-06-21 08:12:11

Holidays can become, if we are not careful, a source of additional stress. This is true for everyone, but especially for people who have a mental disorder. The fact of breaking our routines can cause stress, boredom or feel overwhelmed. The good news is that there are a few things we can do to make it easier for the holidays to help boost our emotional well-being:

Sleep more

Since there is no school, for those of us who have children, it makes the night long. This does not mean that a schedule is not necessary. As fathers and mothers we have to try to maintain a healthy and constant sleep schedule for ourselves and our children, regardless of our work and school hours. It is recommended to sleep between 8 and 10 hours.

Disconnect from work

Don’t look at the mail. Activate the message that I am out of the office. Nobody is essential. If you have a professional mobile, turn it off. If there is a very important issue, they will locate you on your personal phone.

keep a routine

Within the change of routine of the holidays, try to maintain a “routine” schedule for eating and sleeping.

Limit the use of social networks

If you spend a lot of time browsing It will generate frustration and a feeling of having wasted time.

Seize the day

Do things that you can’t do during the rest of the year due to lack of time, such as: being with family or friends, reading, or spending time on your favorite hobbies.

control your diet

Control alcohol consumption and enjoy food in a healthy way. Think that if you gain a lot of weight, you will find frustration when you return from vacation.

do exercise

Regular exercise is an important part of mental health and well-being. During the summer months it is easy to stay on the sofa and watch the latest series on television, but a sedentary activity can have negative consequences on our physical and mental health. Therefore, we have to manage to dedicate between 20 and 30 minutes each day and we will be surprised at the benefits we feel. It helps us reduce stress and strengthen our immune system.

#Tips #care #mental #wellbeing #summer

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