To celebrate the divorce, an Egyptian woman burns her wedding dress in a controversial video

With a strange video that sparked widespread controversy on social media, an Egyptian woman celebrated her divorce from her husband in a different way.

Social media pioneers circulated a video of a girl celebrating her divorce by burning her wedding dress in a desert area, commenting, “I burned my memories and my wedding dress … a new beginning, God willing,” while opinions and comments about the incident varied between supporters and opponents.

In an exclusive interview with Al, the girl, Heba Mabrouk, recounted the details of the story, and said that she had been married 3 years ago and was 22 years old at the time, and had given birth to a child. And divorce, explaining that she discovered his betrayal after searching his mobile phone.

Betrayal is impossible to ten

Mabrouk justified her celebration of the divorce by saying that she confronted her husband a lot with the facts and evidence she obtained, and forgave him several times before, in the hope that he would change and restore his accounts and preserve his wife, son and marital home, but he did not abide and continued his betrayals to her until enough was enough, indicating that she was confirmed and convinced that he did not The feasibility of continuing married life between them, and made her decision to separate and celebrate her divorce.

Heba advised girls not to rush to choose a life partner and to adhere to the advice of parents in choosing a husband to prevent separation, divorce and family destruction.

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