To combat stress, do mindfulness meditation

2023-07-19 09:28:47

An experiment conducted for 6 months reveals that mindfulness meditation would reduce the symptoms linked to a high state of stress.

Today, more than 65% of adults in France are affected by stress. If this reality concerns many other countries in the world, it can be very dangerous in the long term. In addition to affecting the mind, this state can impact sleep cycles, generate hypertension… Solutions to reduce stress without using drug treatments are therefore extensively studied.

In the past, researchers had shown that hugging a loved one had a positive effect. This is also the case for certain manual activities such as knitting. However, meditation remains the most popular and effective treatment. However, researchers wanted to study a specific form of meditation in more detail.

Indeed, they observed the long-term effects of mindfulness meditation sessions. And according to them, they would have a real impact over more than 6 months. Their full findings on the subject have been published in the journal Nature Mental Health.

A decrease in stress, but also chronic anxiety and depression in some volunteers

Before starting this experiment, the researchers first called on a panel of 2,300 volunteers in their thirties. At first, they have carried out a trial phase to determine the effectiveness of this practice overall.

Then in a second step, they proposed to half of the participants to continue the mindfulness meditation sessions. Thus, volunteers suffering from stress have continued the sessions at a rate of one or two sessions per week for 2 months. Finally, throughout the duration of the study, the researchers observed the stress levels of the participants.

According to their observations, after 6 months of mindfulness meditation, a real reduction in stress is observed. Moreover, the conclusions also mention beneficial effects in case of chronic anxiety. According to scientists, this technique could also help depressive patients.

What are the characteristics of mindfulness meditation?

Unlike classical meditation which involves dedicating a specific time, mindfulness meditation can be practiced at any time. It is possible to do it at home, in a park, while walking… Its goal is to refocus attention on the present moment and more precisely on breathing in order to limit the flow of thoughts.

The advantage of this technique is that it can be practiced at any age and requires only 3 minutes for the shortest sessions. Finally, the researchers insist on its effectiveness, regardless of gender, level of education or affinity for meditation.

#combat #stress #mindfulness #meditation

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